ocr: D TMH Preferences v2.0 Close windoy to return... This window opens up when you hit the Minimise' button on the TMH Pref Screen. And here is the ASL file requester, Select File called from AMOS! Check out the .info 46 84-0ct-92 source code ASL.AMOS to see how to AMOSPro 22624 30-0ct-94 implement it! AMOSPro.info 3338 84-0ct-92 APSystem.info 894 84-0ct-92 You can only open it on the Disk.info 3431 84-0ct-92 Workbench screen, though, 50 Amos TMH-Temp801 18 27-Aug-95 has to be put to the back. APSystem Drawer 28-Jul-95 Drawer 81-Apr-95 devs Drawer 28-Aug-95 fonts Drawer 15-Jan-78 / - Drawer 30-0ct ...